Tuesday 5 July 2016

Sing to Him a New Song


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God - Col 3:16 (NLT)

A big part of the Village Worship experience is singing. People who come to the Muzik Village for Village Worship can expect to sing - a lot. 

The theme of Village Worship this year captures this element of the Village experience.

The Theme of Village Worship
Sing to Him a New Song and let His Glory be Shown
There are two major parts to the theme, part A identifies a particular way to sing and Part B tells us of the intended result of that type of singing. I will look at part A of the theme for this post. 

Note, I said a way of singing and not a style. Many styles of singing are done at a Village Worship event but all styles have a common thread running through. Village Worship is about a special type of singing - singing to the Lord.

All over the earth people sing. Some sing to develop a rhythm and lighten the drudgery of their work. Some sing to express some emotion they are feeling at the time, some to "build a vibe". Some sing as a form of protest. Some sing to entertain themselves and pass the time. 

Singing to the Lord

At the Village we don't just sing, we sing to the Lord.

 Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. (Psalm 96:1–2)
This is a subtle shift but a very important one to understand if you are to truly understand the spirit of the Village. Village Worship is not about us, it is about Him. This is so because this is no ordinary Village, it is the village of the King and his Spirit pervades everything. 
Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises! (Psalm 47:6)

Village Worship is about the exhilarating experience of blessing the name of the King. We say "hallelujah to our king" in everything we do at the Village. People are singing new songs everyday but at the Village we are deliberate about singing our songs to the Lord. 

A New Song
The Village is at once a gathering of the church at large and an opportunity for the individual to connect with the Lord in a new way. That is part of the newness or freshness of a song. 

A new song is not so, simply because you were not familiar with it before coming to the village. More fundamentally, it is new because of what a song does to a worshiper as it serves as a doorway to a new encounter with the Lord of the village. It is new in as much as the worshiper gets a new revelation of the tender-hearted benefactor "Who gives us all things richly to enjoy".


Written by Marlon Pownall

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