Friday 15 July 2016

Behind the Scenes: Village Worship with Hugh "Bobby" Welsh

Have you ever wondered what the Muzik Village is or how the Village Worship events came about?

I got the Chance to sit down with Hugh "Bobby" Welsh and got a little insight into these questions and others. 

We hope you enjoy it and come on out to Village Worship this year. 

What is the Village? 

Bobby – The concept of the Village is being a place where any and everybody can come, meet and greet, eat, worship, there really isn’t much that can’t be done here. It’s a place where you can find a peace that is heavenly, where you can meet with God.  

I, as a frequent visitor to the Village I can attest to the fact that there is a peace there and God's presence is undeniable. No matter how I feel on my way to the village, as soon as I go through the gates I feel him, I feel peaceful and there is a joy to be found there. 

What is Music to you? 

Bobby – Personally it is a spiritual connection with God. It is a medium". (Said with a huge smile on his face and a look of pure joy in his eyes

So, the Muzik Village is a place where people can come and meet new people and greet old friends, a place where they can eat and relax, a place where they can learn that music is more than just a few notes and pretty voices, but it can be a connection with God, it can be a way to invite Gods presence to fill an atmosphere, it can be a prayer, and it can be unifying for people. 

How did the Village Worship come about? 

Eric & Bobby - There was a concept that evolved over time with the Village. There were musicians that would informally pass through and say” hi” and play an instrument, it was a true a village atmosphere, where people were coming for classes, rehearsing, taking workshops. Before it was named there was an atmosphere of a music village. It was referred to as workshop, but the music and the village atmosphere was too strong for any other name to be used. 

It was talked about having a worship event that wasn’t as structured as a concert to keep the “village” air alive. Meaning, when you walk down the road and there are people gathered outside a shop, talking, laughing, other people will stop to listen in or join in, it’s natural for people to want to gather. 

At a concert you stand or sit in front of the stage and it’s all about the artists, we wanted to come away from that kind of structure for Village Worship. There was a meeting with G.I Sound and Ministries. We wanted not a concert, but an authentic worship experience in an open space, the question was asked “what will we call it” and someone said “Village Worship”, after, a lot of ideas were thrown and a collective nod was received. Thus, Village Worship was born in August 2013.

Bobby - I grew up with the idea that worship had a dress code, a particular way to talk, but I wanted Village worship to be all about God and you. People can sit anywhere on the grounds and soak up Gods presence, focus on the words of the songs and the rhythm of the beats, and connect with God, pray for themselves or other people, just bask in His Glory.

I went through a period where I didn’t want to do music anymore due to all the frustrations that had come with it over time. The frustrations were pushing me to do music in a secular way an anti-God way, I felt that the minute I introduced God it was not okay. Then I entered the Generations family. There, I saw a raw worship, they were using an iPod to sing with, there was a real desire for God and for Worship, that was great to me. 

It was a Worship environment that wasn’t influenced by the religious structure that had given me a dead feeling inside. Generations Church activated the idea that God can be worshiped outside of the music, that through it you can zero in on God alone. An Authentic Worship Experience.  

What are your hopes for Village Worship moving forward? 

Bobby – I have a vision of a Worship Festival WEEK, and more international involvement, Worship is a gift to be shared with the world and Village Worship will be shared. It is now free and easy for anyone to come and experience what is here.

One of my dreams is that believers, regardless of what denomination or religious persuasion, will lay aside the differences that prevent us from being the unified body we were always meant to be, and will come together under the premise that Jesus is Lord and gives His love to everyone.  

Helen: Village Worship is an amazing experience and beautiful Worship Explosion. Come out and soak up the Love of God, have a Faith Boost, meet new people, start a prayer circle, come to the Music Village and learn to play an instrument, sing, or just jam, or even just sit and have some quiet time.  

Thank you to Bobby Welsh for sitting with me and thank you for creating this beautiful place and allowing God to use you and bless the atmosphere that is The Music Village. 

written by: Helen Grandison 

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