Tuesday 26 July 2016

Will You Be the One?

Sin is rarely confined to one area or group in a society. Sin instead spreads like a wild bush fire at summer time, lapping it's destructive insidious tongue over leaders and followers alike. In Ezekiel's day, God had a problem with the Princes, Prophets, Priests and the People.

There was no spiritual leadership. God summarizes the issue like this,

I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none - (Ezekiel 22: 30)

Only One

I find it fascinating that God doesn't say, He sought a team or an army. He says, "I sought, a man", only one. God often only needs one. 

Give me a man of God, one man, 
Whose tongue is touched with heavens fire
And I will flame the darkest hearts
With high resolve and pure desire. - George Liddell 

God looked for a Nehemiah or an Ezra. He looked for a Moses or a Samuel but there was no one to answer the call to stand. If God could not find one, surely there was none to be found. 

The Need to Rebuild the Walls

Let us not be careless or carefree. Let us not be missing in action. There is a need in every generation for people who will repair the walls that God has built to restrain sinners. There is also a need for righteous people who will talk to God as a man talks to his friend (Exodus 33:11)

Their is a need to rebuild walls of restraint or righteousness that have been torn down completely or breached by the enemy.

Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control - Proverbs 25: 28

The Need to Stand in the Gap

God requires serious solid soldiers who will endure hardship and not become entangled in civilian pursuits (2 Tim 2: 3-4) to repair the breaches in the walls and intercede for the people.

The sad result in Ezekiel's day was judgment because God found no one. Will you be the one, that is found by God? He is canvassing the area, He is on a recruitment drive. He says now, as He said in the days of Isaiah,

"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?", will we answer, "Here am I. Send me!"? (Isaiah 6:8)

Written by Marlon Pownall

Friday 22 July 2016


Men are quick to follow other men because of signs. Yet, the greatest sign that one can know about has happened and few pay attention.
So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father's one and only Son. - John 1:14

The Grand Miracle

The greatest miracle is God coming into human flesh. Yet, few will drool over this. Few will delight in it's wonder. Few will break out into ecstatic utterances about this unique moment in human history. Few will see this as an occasion for worship. Yet, that is precisely what the angels did when they saw the coming of the Son.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased! (Luke 2:14 )
The proper response to a sign from the Lord, is worship of the Lord. It is not a time to be duped, hoodwinked, cajoled or tricked by shrewd, sly, servants of sin and Satan. No, it is a time for reflection on the scriptures, prayer for wisdom etc to be grateful, to celebrate even, when it is a sign from the Lord, or to reject it and expose the evil one when it is not.

Materialism And selfish ambition 
Is a foolish religion
The riches of God's mercy 
Is worth more than your superstition
Tell me how does a Christian begin
To develop discernment and wisdom
First we submit every symbol and sign
To the authority of the scriptures
Beautiful Eulogy: Symbols and Signs


The History of the church is littered with stories of tragedy. Tragedy resulting from people following men and their signs and missing God. Let us not be naive, but do what the Apostle Paul says, Prove all things; hold fast that which is good (1 Thess 5:21)".

On matters relating to signs, let us not think and reason like children but be adults in our spiritual understanding and responsibility. We must demonstrate maturity on these matters "in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes" (2 Cor 2:11).

God and Signs

Signs, gifts, miraculous works like a road sign are not an end in themselves. They merely point you in  particular direction. They are part of a bigger system.They give a message about something else or in the case of the Kingdom someone else.

It starts and ends with God. Chase God not signs. Listen to what Jesus says about those chasing signs,
Only an evil, adulterous generation would demand a miraculous sign, but the only sign I will give them is the sign of the prophet Jonah (Matt 16:4).
People are conduits of God's power not the originators of it.Never be so enthralled by those wielding power that you fail to look at the giver of that power. For the scriptures tell us that "Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Cor 11:14)

Two Signs

Here are two signs that are always worth consideration: The incarnation and the Resurrection. With those there is no confusion. Love reached down for us and went all the way. From the cradle to the grave, that is a reason to sing.

You came from heaven to earth
To show the way
From the earth to the cross
My debt to pay
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky
Lord I lift Your name on high

- Lord I Lift Your name on High, Mercy Me

Written by Marlon Pownall

Wednesday 20 July 2016


Worship is the submission of all of our nature to God. It is the quickening of the conscience by his holiness; the nourishment of mind with his truth; the purifying of imagination by his beauty; the opening of the heart to his love; the surrender of will to his purpose—all this gathered up in adoration, the most selfless emotion of which our nature is capable - William Temple


You could be Ten thousand miles on the wide road or only 10 steps we all need to surrender to the good Lord to wipe our slate clean. We all need to say God, have mercy on me, a sinner (Luke 18:13) and sing "take me to your river, I wanna go"


Sometimes all we need is to come together and the Lord will do the rest. Here is what scripture says to us,

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching - Heb 10:25 kjv

Ravi Zacharias says, " .. being in the presence of fellow believers in worship is meant to be a restorer of spiritual hope". Just imagine that, just showing up and being with other believers is a way for the LORD to change lives. It is a moment to engeder hope, to bring light in a dark world. 

It gets even more exciting when we add prayer to the togetherness. 


Over the years I have discovered that praying with people can sometimes do more for them than preaching to them. Prayer draws the heart away from one’s own dependence to leaning on the sovereign God. The burden is often lifted instantly  - Ravi Zacharias 

Jesus says,
When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there (Matt 18:20 MSG).

Sometimes we ask permission, often we don't have to, we just let it rise. A cry from the heart. From your heart to the heavens for yourself or for someone else. A Simple sentence or several that are simply sublime, with prayer we dispel all notions of ordinary. We cast off the yoke of the natural and ride on the waves of the supernatural.

Heaven touches earth all over again when we unite with other believers in one place and when we pray.  Let us gather together at Village worship to engender hope, to change lives, to lift our hands in prayer and praise so that the Glory of the Lord can be shown.

Written by Marlon Pownall

Monday 18 July 2016

The Secret Sauce to a Life of Wholeness

Someone I know and love once said that she wants someone who makes her feel the way music does. 

Sounded very poetic at first, but then I thought, 'how poetically sad'.

Every woman wants to have that loving feeling. Women all over are waiting for their prince. In fact, when your prince comes, he will make you feel this way. But then what? After you've gained it all, you will still have that longing. I mean, your prince can make you feel the way music does, but then what? You still have that longing.

The Longing of your heart

David had many wives, yet he said that his soul pants for the living God the way a deer pants for water. Why? Because your heart's longing can only be 'filled' by the one who was meant to have your heart; yes, Jesus the Christ. He was meant to have that place and that is why without him you will always have that longing. You will never have peace because peace is something that comes only from knowing Christ.

Find Your Rest In Jesus

What you are experiencing is your need for your saviour, your need to be filled with Him and by Him. There is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12). You have tried it all; relationships, jobs, parties, houses, cars, babies, material things. In fact you have even tried other gods, but only Jesus satisfies, only he can fill. 

Your prince has come. Let him know when you are tired. Jesus says that those of us who are weary and carry heavy burdens should come so that he can give us rest. Enter into his rest. I got tired at 18, how old are you now? How long have you been burdened? Aren't you tired? Enter into his rest.

Enter his rest through Worship

I have a deep longing to see women truly enter into His rest. I’ve seen so many broken and sad women and I just want to shout to them, “I know someone who can help, someone who can make it all worth your while, someone who can take away the pain, the brokenness, the sadness!”

In fact, when you have given Him your all, you have to continue to give yourself to Him over and over again. I find that one of the most fulfilling ways to give myself is through worship.  I can watch a hundred movies, or go to all the nice restaurants in town, but nothing gives the satisfaction that worship does. Time spent away from the distractions of the world to worship Him is never wasted.

Village Worship

Village Worship provides such an atmosphere. There seems to be somewhat of an open heaven there at the village. Though you may share the space with others, the presence of the Lord envelopes the place in such a way that you can come away with Him in seclusion and oneness. Come with your cup turned up for Him to fill that God-sized void.  

Come lay bare before your maker in sincere worship. He satisfies. He fills.

Written by Rashida Pownall

Friday 15 July 2016

Behind the Scenes: Village Worship with Hugh "Bobby" Welsh

Have you ever wondered what the Muzik Village is or how the Village Worship events came about?

I got the Chance to sit down with Hugh "Bobby" Welsh and got a little insight into these questions and others. 

We hope you enjoy it and come on out to Village Worship this year. 

What is the Village? 

Bobby – The concept of the Village is being a place where any and everybody can come, meet and greet, eat, worship, there really isn’t much that can’t be done here. It’s a place where you can find a peace that is heavenly, where you can meet with God.  

I, as a frequent visitor to the Village I can attest to the fact that there is a peace there and God's presence is undeniable. No matter how I feel on my way to the village, as soon as I go through the gates I feel him, I feel peaceful and there is a joy to be found there. 

What is Music to you? 

Bobby – Personally it is a spiritual connection with God. It is a medium". (Said with a huge smile on his face and a look of pure joy in his eyes

So, the Muzik Village is a place where people can come and meet new people and greet old friends, a place where they can eat and relax, a place where they can learn that music is more than just a few notes and pretty voices, but it can be a connection with God, it can be a way to invite Gods presence to fill an atmosphere, it can be a prayer, and it can be unifying for people. 

How did the Village Worship come about? 

Eric & Bobby - There was a concept that evolved over time with the Village. There were musicians that would informally pass through and say” hi” and play an instrument, it was a true a village atmosphere, where people were coming for classes, rehearsing, taking workshops. Before it was named there was an atmosphere of a music village. It was referred to as workshop, but the music and the village atmosphere was too strong for any other name to be used. 

It was talked about having a worship event that wasn’t as structured as a concert to keep the “village” air alive. Meaning, when you walk down the road and there are people gathered outside a shop, talking, laughing, other people will stop to listen in or join in, it’s natural for people to want to gather. 

At a concert you stand or sit in front of the stage and it’s all about the artists, we wanted to come away from that kind of structure for Village Worship. There was a meeting with G.I Sound and Ministries. We wanted not a concert, but an authentic worship experience in an open space, the question was asked “what will we call it” and someone said “Village Worship”, after, a lot of ideas were thrown and a collective nod was received. Thus, Village Worship was born in August 2013.

Bobby - I grew up with the idea that worship had a dress code, a particular way to talk, but I wanted Village worship to be all about God and you. People can sit anywhere on the grounds and soak up Gods presence, focus on the words of the songs and the rhythm of the beats, and connect with God, pray for themselves or other people, just bask in His Glory.

I went through a period where I didn’t want to do music anymore due to all the frustrations that had come with it over time. The frustrations were pushing me to do music in a secular way an anti-God way, I felt that the minute I introduced God it was not okay. Then I entered the Generations family. There, I saw a raw worship, they were using an iPod to sing with, there was a real desire for God and for Worship, that was great to me. 

It was a Worship environment that wasn’t influenced by the religious structure that had given me a dead feeling inside. Generations Church activated the idea that God can be worshiped outside of the music, that through it you can zero in on God alone. An Authentic Worship Experience.  

What are your hopes for Village Worship moving forward? 

Bobby – I have a vision of a Worship Festival WEEK, and more international involvement, Worship is a gift to be shared with the world and Village Worship will be shared. It is now free and easy for anyone to come and experience what is here.

One of my dreams is that believers, regardless of what denomination or religious persuasion, will lay aside the differences that prevent us from being the unified body we were always meant to be, and will come together under the premise that Jesus is Lord and gives His love to everyone.  

Helen: Village Worship is an amazing experience and beautiful Worship Explosion. Come out and soak up the Love of God, have a Faith Boost, meet new people, start a prayer circle, come to the Music Village and learn to play an instrument, sing, or just jam, or even just sit and have some quiet time.  

Thank you to Bobby Welsh for sitting with me and thank you for creating this beautiful place and allowing God to use you and bless the atmosphere that is The Music Village. 

written by: Helen Grandison 

Thursday 14 July 2016

Just one Touch ...

She only touched the hem of His garment
As to His side she stole,
Amid the crowd that gathered around Him;
And straightway she was whole.
-  George F. Root

The Problem

As Jesus went, the people pressed around him. And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and though she had spent all her living on physicians, she could not be healed by anyone (Luke 8:43 ESV).
Few of us can manage protracted periods of illness. Apart from the physical discomfort, there are social, economic and other costs associated with illness.

Apart from pain, there is discomfort. The discomfort of the process, the discomfort of the unknown. There is also the powerlessness you and those around you experience as you go through it.

If not for the Son there would be nothing new under the sun. There is life for a look at the crucified one.
The Solution She came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, and immediately her discharge of blood ceased. 45 And Jesus said, “Who was it that touched me?” When all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the crowds surround you and are pressing in on you!” 46 But Jesus said, “Someone touched me, for I perceive that power has gone out from me.” 47 And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. 48 And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace” (Luke 8: 44 -48 ESV).

The question has not changed, the Lord is still saying, who touched me? Is it you? Did you march to the beat of the song, "reach out and touch the Lord as He passes by"? Will you testify about his goodness and give him the glory he deserves? 

Let's say you are waiting for an opportunity to touch him, what is the way to go? The way is an old way. It is the way of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. It is the way of faith. 

The Process

Just like the woman who suffered for twelve years, you and I need to draw near to him. His promise is clear, He will draw near to us. 
Hebrews 4:16 - Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.

Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus
Your presence is heaven to me

Israel & New Breed - Your Presence Is Heaven 

Written by Marlon Pownall

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Sing to Him a New Song


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God - Col 3:16 (NLT)

A big part of the Village Worship experience is singing. People who come to the Muzik Village for Village Worship can expect to sing - a lot. 

The theme of Village Worship this year captures this element of the Village experience.

The Theme of Village Worship
Sing to Him a New Song and let His Glory be Shown
There are two major parts to the theme, part A identifies a particular way to sing and Part B tells us of the intended result of that type of singing. I will look at part A of the theme for this post. 

Note, I said a way of singing and not a style. Many styles of singing are done at a Village Worship event but all styles have a common thread running through. Village Worship is about a special type of singing - singing to the Lord.

All over the earth people sing. Some sing to develop a rhythm and lighten the drudgery of their work. Some sing to express some emotion they are feeling at the time, some to "build a vibe". Some sing as a form of protest. Some sing to entertain themselves and pass the time. 

Singing to the Lord

At the Village we don't just sing, we sing to the Lord.

 Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. (Psalm 96:1–2)
This is a subtle shift but a very important one to understand if you are to truly understand the spirit of the Village. Village Worship is not about us, it is about Him. This is so because this is no ordinary Village, it is the village of the King and his Spirit pervades everything. 
Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises! (Psalm 47:6)

Village Worship is about the exhilarating experience of blessing the name of the King. We say "hallelujah to our king" in everything we do at the Village. People are singing new songs everyday but at the Village we are deliberate about singing our songs to the Lord. 

A New Song
The Village is at once a gathering of the church at large and an opportunity for the individual to connect with the Lord in a new way. That is part of the newness or freshness of a song. 

A new song is not so, simply because you were not familiar with it before coming to the village. More fundamentally, it is new because of what a song does to a worshiper as it serves as a doorway to a new encounter with the Lord of the village. It is new in as much as the worshiper gets a new revelation of the tender-hearted benefactor "Who gives us all things richly to enjoy".


Written by Marlon Pownall

Monday 4 July 2016

Village Worship

Village Worship 2016  - Sing unto Him a new song and let his glory be shown

Village Worship ® is an exciting weekend Festival focused on gathering the church together in celebration with great music, prayer, fun, food and just being together.

Village Worship is all about community. The local community of Hanbury where it is held as well as the larger church community in Manchester, Clarendon and St. Elizabeth. If you are from further away, you are still welcome to the Village.

Come to the Village and gather around the cross like campers around a flame in the night. “Let praises rise from the inside” and feel the heat of God’s love burning in your heart.

The church is bigger than any one of us. Come to the Village and celebrate that “bigness” and feel the joy of oneness.

Village Values

-       Community -  All not one
-       Unity - Oneness
-       Love – We seek to give
-       Bigness (entire church)
-       Openness
-       Organic/Natural/Vintage

Village Experience

Village worship provides a safe and relaxing environment for the church to gather. We gather every year to Worship the man who was God, Jesus of Nazareth. Believers come to celebrate the freedom Jesus has won for them.

Attendees mix and mingle, munch on authentic Jamaican Jerk, Roast, Local Fruits (Orange, Melon, Coconut, Sugar Cane). Walk in once the gates are open - the only currency is Love.

People can leave the hustle and bustle of the Mandeville town centre and come to hear the sound of heaven touching earth  in the songs of the free. They can join the worshipers in celebrating the man who was God. 

Written by Marlon Pownall